Adding cross-JIRA instance gadgets

Adding cross-JIRA instance gadgets

For some Jira users it may be more practical and efficient to view issues from different Jira instances in the same dashboard, instead of switching to different browser pages in order to view these issues. For example, a user may want to have the ability to view LabOps Jira issues on a GPInfo Jira dashboard. It is possible to add an external gadget for this purpose. These instructions will help a user upload and select the appropriate gadget for this purpose.

Audience: Jira users that are familiar with creating and saving filters, and want to see those saved filters across different instances.

For simplicity purposes:

  • The Jira instance where the user will want to see the issues will be called "local"
  • The Jira instance from which the user will pull the issues to be viewed will be called "external."

Step-by-step guide

  1. On the external Jira instance(s), make and save a filter.

  2. On the local Jira instance, go to the dashboard you want to display these issues in, and click "Add Gadget" in the top right of the screen

3. Click "Load All Gadgets"

4. Search for "Filter Results". You should see a few gadgets called "Filter Results" because there is a gadget for each external instance of Jira that is connected to the local one you're on.

See screenshot with multiple external gadgets.

Click "Show XML Link" to see the URL of the external Jira.

Click "Add gadget" for the one matching the external Jira where you saved your filter in step 1.

5. Close the gadget window. You will view that the gadget has been added to the screen, but no issues are on screen yet. This is because authentication from the external Jira instance is necessary. Click "Login & Approve" and then "Allow"


6. Under "Saved Filter," type and find the filter you saved in step 1.

7. Configure columns and other information, and save.

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