This web-server supports following services:
Production tools
Extracts data from JIRA into Tableau as native HYPER file.
Often developed using CodeAssistant.
labopsjira / BspFreezerLocations
Supports SRS tools
Service used by John Walsh to upload metrics files (Summary, basecalling, BroadWest, etc) to DWH
Monitors pipeline workflows.
Development and Maintenance tools
Service that visualizes relationships between different things (reports, datamarts, webservices and more).
ATTN: Actual ETLs (running on UNIX) are not affected even if Dashboard is down.
http://analytics:8090/etl_runs?latest_run_only=true shows only latest run for each agent.
"generate_sql" service generates automatically a JIRADWH query for extracting data from Jira - http://analytics:8090/api/v2/generate_sql?domain=labopsjira&project_name=SRS
Alternative interface to get data into Tableau (failed to gain popularity)
Service that helps users create SQL queries from JQL (Jira) queries.
txtExtract service
extract data from datamarts as csv/tsv. created in December 2018 (see RPT-5119, RPT-5179)
Obtain data as a direct extract from Analytics REST API by running this curl command from any UNIX server, Windows command prompt, or Mac terminal.
command: curl -XGET -F file="@<YOUR_SOURCE_FILE>" "http://analytics:8090/api/v2/csvExtract?extractName=<YOUR_EXTRACT_NAME>" -o <RESULTS_FILE>
Extending the service:
A number of configuration files live here: \\neon-cifs\home_unix\analytics\TigerETL3\resources
extractSQL.conf is one of the files, called by the csvExtract service. Within this file is the ETL transformation it uses. Adding new SQL parameters within it allows us to extend to new curl commands.
To extend the service, another section (parameter) must be added to the extractSQL.conf file, specifying the input file parsing and the SQL to produce desired output.
After the conf file is edited, the analytics webserver must be forced to refresh it (otherwise, the webserver will use the version of the file as it was upon webserver restart). You can force an "extractSQL.conf" reload with this http://analytics:8090/api/v2/csvExtract
Troubleshooting Tools
sqlMonitor, peekattable, LockedObjects,
If any of these services gets in trouble, the easiest way to bring it back might be to restart the Web Server (analytics server - useful tools and commands)