Redacting PHI from Jira

Redacting PHI from Jira

Connect to Jira database (find most updated info here)

Have affected ticket id e.g. BQMS-2378

Plug ticket id in last line of SQL to return list of ticket changes:

SELECT p.pkey||'-'||i.issuenum as "KEY", ci.field, cg.created as Modified, dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldstring, 4000, 1) as OLD_String, dbms_lob.substr(ci.newstring, 4000, 1) as NEW_String, dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldvalue, 4000, 1) as OLD_Value, dbms_lob.substr(ci.newvalue, 4000, 1) as NEW_Value, ci.id as Change_Item_Id FROM changeitem ci JOIN changegroup cg on ci.groupid = cg.id JOIN jiraissue i on cg.issueid = i.id JOIN project p on i.project = p.id WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('BQMS-2378')

Most commonly, the item to be changed is the description.

Find the record that has the PHI in the OLD_String or OLD_Value field, and copy that Change_Item_Id in the following UPDATE statement.

Also, set the text that should appear in the ticket. Conventionally I’ve just been entering [redacted] over the PHI along with my initials and date, but the important thing is the PHI is cleared.

UPDATE changeitem SET OldString = 'Set Text Here' where changeitem.id = 1819534

In SQL Developer, commit statement by pressing F11 or clicking commit button.