Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Former user (Deleted)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Last updated: 2018-01-05
Team Philosophy
We are a fair-minded meritocracy. We set high expectations and continuously strive to improve our work. We demonstrate respect for our peers by giving the best of ourselves. We do not let fear of failure prevent us from action. While novel science through excellent software is our ostensible goal, strong effort is laudable too, and we understand that much is learned from doing things wrong once or twice. In this context, each of us will be:
- Responsible: We each share responsibility for the success of the group. There is no "us" or "them," there is only "we". Deliver on a commitment without needing to be asked twice or thrice, you will earn the manyfold respect of your peers. If you see something that needs improving, do it, or if you don't have time write a ticket to remind you to do it later. Don't assume others will have the time or will reach the same insight.
- Autonomous: We are intelligent and motivated adults, and deserve to be treated as such. Therefore we will not be slaves to process but rather employ only the necessary amount of structure. Excessive attention to procedure and protocol is stifling, and hampers creativity. Think, and probe "under the hood," before asking questions or sending too many emails. Be respectful of others, and consume their time wisely. We are not effective in constant interrupt mode.
- Proactive: Read the code, it NEVER lies. Write a sample program to test your idea, instead of just asking someone 'if such and such "would work'" '. Knowledge does not stick nearly as long when acquired passively. Call a code review if you want one, don't wait for others to do it. Make copious use of the internet, you will almost always find that others have already solved your problem(s).
- Dutiful: Seek to establish confidence in your judgment, and learn to trust your instincts. When something looks odd or broken, it probably is. Beginners should emulate good software development practices, including clear documentation, until they become habitual. Commit to sound design and doing things well rather than fast, but do not allow "perfect" to be the enemy of "good". Strive for simplicity and generality, but shun easy answers (they are usually worth what you paid for them) and the overly-complex or ill-specified.
- Vocal: trusting that a functional team is built upon a core principle of mutual personal respect, and that no team is truly in balance until all of its constituent members are in balance, we exhibit the (a) courage to speak directly with one another, sans fear, when development, planning or management challenges arise which lead to imbalance; (b) patience to fully hear such expressions; and (c) the discipline to address them to the best of our ability to restore balance.
, multiple selections available,