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GDAC Users Help List

Please address questions about the Broad Institute TCGA GDAC, Firehose runs, or the FireBrowse portal to gdac@broadinstitute.org. Emails sent to this email address will be distributed to all team members and will be made available in our publicly accessible archive, but are not re-broadcast to other submitters to the list. No account or login is required to post questions to our help list, but your first submission will be moderated as a precaution against SPAM bots.

GDAC Tracking System

You can also submit problems directly to our JIRA tracking system by sending an email to gdac-jira@broadinstitute.org, or by clicking on the "Report An Issue" button within any Firehose analysis output report (as shown below). You will not be able to log in to our tracking system, but should receive notifications when tickets you submit are created and updated.