SQL Queries for JIRA
SQL Queries for JIRA
CAUTION: heavy queries could cause crashes! BE CAREFUL.
Audience: JIRA admins and other users that have access to an on-prem JIRA production db.
This page contains a non-exhaustive list of SQL queries that can be done for an on-prem Jira instance. For other examples provided by Atlassian, see Information link below the list.
More examples: SQL queries for Jira from Atlassian
Return contents of Instrument custom field (cascading select list)
SELECT cfo1.customvalue "Parent Option", cfo2.customvalue "Child Option" FROM customfield cf, customfieldoption cfo1, customfieldoption cfo2 WHERE cfname = 'Instrument' AND cf.id = cfo1.customfield AND cf.id = cfo2.customfield AND cfo1.parentoptionid is null AND cfo2.parentoptionid = cfo1.id
Return all instrument tickets with their summary and instrument name field (JiraDWH was designed for this but here is the raw SQL)
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||j.issuenum as Key,summary,cfv.stringvalue AS "Instrument Name" FROM jiraissue j join issuetype i on j.issuetype = i.id join customfieldvalue cfv on cfv.issue = j.id join customfield c on cfv.customfield = c.id join project p on j.project = p.id where i.pname = 'Instrument' and c.cfname = 'Instrument Name'
Return changeitems (including before and after values, as well as modification date) for issue TEST-106
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||i.issuenum as "KEY", ci.field, cg.created as Modified, dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldstring, 4000, 1) as OLD_String, dbms_lob.substr(ci.newstring, 4000, 1) as NEW_String, dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldvalue, 4000, 1) as OLD_Value, dbms_lob.substr(ci.newvalue, 4000, 1) as NEW_Value, ci.id as Change_Item_Id FROM changeitem ci JOIN changegroup cg on ci.groupid = cg.id JOIN jiraissue i on cg.issueid = i.id JOIN project p on i.project = p.id WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('TEST-106')
... And to update an item that gets returned (e.g. to redact PHI)
UPDATE changeitem SET OldString = 'Set Text Here' where changeitem.id = 1819534
Return saved filters that contain the text In Post LC
SELECT a.id, a.filtername, dbms_lob.substr(a.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL, a.authorname FROM searchrequest a WHERE dbms_lob.substr(a.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) like '%In Post LC%'
Return agile boards that have a swimlane with JQL query containing Nexome
SELECT a.name as Swimlane_Name, r.name as Board_Name, r.owner_user_name as Owner, a.query FROM ao_60db71_swimlane a JOIN ao_60db71_rapidview r on a.rapid_view_id = r.id WHERE a.query LIKE '%Nexome%'
Return who has dashboard QTP Overview as a favorite
OR who has dashboard with id 12272 as a favorite
SELECT f.username, p.pagename as Dashboard, p.id FROM favouriteassociations f JOIN portalpage p ON f.entityid = p.id WHERE f.entitytype = 'PortalPage' AND p.pagename = 'QTP Overview' --AND f.entityid = 12272
Return who has 'MyFilter' or filter id of 10001 saved as a favorite:
SELECT f.username, sr.filtername, sr.id FROM favouriteassociations f JOIN searchrequest sr ON f.entityid = sr.id WHERE f.entitytype = 'SearchRequest' AND sr.filtername = 'MyFilter' --AND f.entityid = 10001
Return a user's (biasella) favorite filters along with the JQL behind the filter
SELECT si.filtername, dbms_lob.substr( si.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL FROM favouriteassociations fa JOIN searchrequest si ON fa.entityid = si.id WHERE fa.username = 'biasella';
Return filter name and JQL given a filter id e.g. filter=15191
SELECT si.id, si.filtername, dbms_lob.substr( si.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL FROM favouriteassociations fa JOIN searchrequest si ON fa.entityid = si.id WHERE si.id = 15191
Return private filters
SELECT * FROM searchrequest WHERE id not in (SELECT entityid FROM sharepermissions WHERE entitytype = 'SearchRequest')
Return private dashboards
SELECT * FROM portalpage WHERE id not in (SELECT entityid FROM sharepermissions WHERE entitytype='PortalPage')
Return information from jiraissue table given a list of quoted comma separated issue keys
To create a comma separated list from an excel column e.g. if you have a bunch of JIRA records:
- New way to convert to comma separated list:
- Use this google sheet and just paste in your list of issues! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rd9xpSlvnHIUKOQMMv_S3CIqYz7G4Upzekynqfbyp0Y/edit#gid=0
- Old :
- Copy the desired column out of excel and paste directly into Word (text only).
- To paste back in JIRA: In Word, press Ctrl+H (find and replace). Find ^p and replace with ,
- To paste in a SQL query (below):In Word, press Ctrl+H (find and replace). Find ^p and replace with ',' . Do a tiny bit of fudging with the start and end of the string.
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum as "KEY", summary, created, updated, reporter, creator FROM JIRAISSUE i JOIN project p ON I.project=p.id WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('PICO-5910','KIT-98')
Returns issues that have a Lucidchart diagram
SELECT DISTINCT p.pkey || '-' || i.issuenum FROM propertyentry pe INNER JOIN fileattachment fa on pe.entity_id = fa.id INNER JOIN jiraissue i on fa.issueid = i.id INNER JOIN project p on i.project = p.id WHERE pe.property_key = 'lucidchart.attachment.id';
Finding a certain add on used in workflows
e.g. Bob Swift's Create on Transition add-on.
Get the add-on key information from the Manage add-on administration page:
SELECT workflowscheme.name AS "Workflow Scheme", workflowschemeentity.scheme, issuetype.pname AS "Associated Issue Type", workflowschemeentity.issuetype FROM issuetype, workflowschemeentity, workflowscheme WHERE issuetype.id = workflowschemeentity.issuetype and workflowscheme.id = workflowschemeentity.scheme and workflowschemeentity.workflow in (SELECT jiraworkflows.workflowname FROM jiraworkflows WHERE jiraworkflows.descriptor like '%org.swift.jira.cot%');
Return custom fields and how often they're used (not null in issues)
SELECT CF.cfname, count(CV.ISSUE) FROM customfield CF JOIN customfieldvalue CV on CF.ID = CV.CUSTOMFIELD GROUP BY CF.cfname
Return remote links (other Jiras,Confluence,Websites) and what page they're on
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||j.issuenum as Key, a.title, a.url, a.iconurl, a.icontitle, a.relationship, a.applicationtype, a.applicationname FROM remotelink a JOIN jiraissue j on a.issueid=j.id JOIN project p on j.project = p.id
Return screens where a given field is used
SELECT screen.id, screen.name, layoutitem.fieldidentifier FROM fieldscreenlayoutitem layoutitem INNER JOIN fieldscreentab tab ON layoutitem.fieldscreentab = tab.id INNER JOIN fieldscreen screen ON tab.fieldscreen = screen.id WHERE layoutitem.fieldidentifier IN ('customfield_13978','customfield_13979')
Return saved filters that have a given field set as a column
SELECT SR.filtername, CLI.fieldidentifier FROM columnlayoutitem CLI INNER JOIN columnlayout CL ON CLI.columnlayout = CL.id INNER JOIN searchrequest SR ON CL.searchrequest = SR.id WHERE CLI.fieldidentifier IN ('summary','customfield_16165'); --'supervisor' custom field
Return custom fields using a certain type key (e.g. finding Broad custom fields)
SELECT * FROM customfield WHERE customfield.customfieldtypekey LIKE 'org.broadinstitute%' ORDER BY customfield.customfieldtypekey
Return comments, summary, descriptions containing certain text
text e.g. tableau-sap
select p.pkey||'-'||j.issuenum as key,a.actionbody,j.summary,j.description from jiraaction a join jiraissue j on a.issueid = j.id join project p on j.project = p.id where a.actionbody like '%Tableau-sap%' OR j.summary like '%Tableau-sap%' OR j.description like '%Tableau-sap%'
, multiple selections available,
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