Refresh Analytics DWH when Product Names change
Refresh Analytics DWH when Product Names change
- Update SLXRE_Readgroup_Metadata
MERGE INTO slxre_readgroup_metadata m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number IN (<list of Part Numbers>) ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name
- HQS Family
MERGE INTO slxre2_rghqs m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name ; MERGE INTO slxre2_lane_hqs m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name ; -- Run HQS does not have PDO metadata, no need to refresh
- Aggregation DMs
MERGE INTO slxre2_pagg_library m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name ; -- Update Sample Agg for those with a single product MERGE INTO slxre2_pagg_sample m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name ; -- Update Sample Agg for those with combination of products: --1. get a list of samples SELECT DISTINCT '"'||a.SAMPLE||'",' FROM slxre2_pagg_sample a WHERE instr(a.product_part_number , ',') >0 AND instr(a.product_part_number, 'P-WG-0047')>0 ; --2. Manual Agg ETL with the list of samples from the above query (make sure to remove the comma after the last sample in the list CognosDB("analytics.tiger.agents.PicardAggregator.Manual", deltaETL(Set("NWD804135","NWD410904", "NWD196533", "NWD634014", "NWD721067", "NWD323914", "NWD782097", "NWD840180",...)) flatMap DataSetEtl() flatMap analytics.tiger.agents.PicardAggregator.Regular.pipeline)
- PDO Star
MERGE INTO pdo_star5 m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product_name = p.product_name ; MERGE INTO pdo_star5_aux m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product_name = p.product_name ;
- RapidQc Agg Metadata
MERGE INTO rapidqc_agg_metadata m USING mercurydw.product p ON (m.product_part_number = p.part_number AND p.part_number = 'P-WG-0047') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET m.product = p.product_name ;
, multiple selections available,
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