DRAGEN metrics naming convention in Analytics tools

DRAGEN metrics naming convention in Analytics tools

Explanation of DRAGEN metrics in PDO/ Project Trackers

DRAGEN produces a number of metrics files, which are encoded with suffix.

  1. Mapping metrics file - metrics like Mapped reads/bases, Q30 metrics, alignments, dup marked, soft/hard clipped, etc. These metrics do not have a suffix.

  2. QC Coverage region metrics - DRAGEN produces the same set of metrics for 3 QC coverage. They are indicated by "(QC1)", "(QC2)", "(QC3)" suffix in Analytics tools.
    Each product or project have their own set of qc regions and they are indicated in the field Business Name(QC1), Business Name(QC2) and Business Name(QC3).
    Business name would inform metrics from which QC region you might need to track.
    For example:
    AoU regions are
    QC1: AoU_genome
    QC2: ACMG_56
    QC3: Pgx

For BGE:
QC1: Exome_BGE
QC2: WGS_coverage_BGE
QC3: AoU_genome

We can provide these in a separate sheet as a reference

  1. Target bed file metrics - target regions are for variant calling, but the pipeline generates the same set of metrics for those regions as QC regions. These metrics are indicated with "(Target)" suffix.

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