Relevant Acronyms and General Information
Relevant Acronyms and General Information
Rafael Sanchez (Deactivated)
Kristen Connolly (Unlicensed)
Owned by Rafael Sanchez (Deactivated)
Acronym/Term | Definition | Notes |
10X | Another sequencing company | https://www.10xgenomics.com/ |
Adapter | Allows hybridization to the flow cell, contains molecular barcode index (special sequence of synthesized DNA) | |
AoU | All of Us | https://allofus.nih.gov/ |
BITS | Broad Information Technology Services | |
Blacklisting | Similar to "flagging" | |
bp | Base pair | |
BQMS | Broad Quality Management System. Errors & variation tracking. | |
BSP | Biological Samples Platform (obsolete) | |
BTL | Broad Technology Labs | |
Buffy coat | A particular layer of centrifuged blood/cell prep | |
CAPA | Corrective Action Preventative Action - BQMS Issue Type | |
CCLF | Cancer Cell Line Factory. Part of the Cancer group at Broad, GP LIMS/Analytics team working with them | |
Cell line | ||
cfDNA | Cell-free DNA | |
CI | Continuous Improvement | |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments | https://www.aafp.org/practice-management/regulatory/clia.html |
CMI | Count Me In. Cancer research project | |
CRSP | Clinical Research Sequencing Platform | |
DCFM | Date Coverage First Met | |
ExEx | Exome Express. Special system for faster results turnaround for some exome sequencing products. | |
FFP / FFPE | Formaline fixed paraffin embedded (Tissue fixed in formaline and paraffin) | https://www.biochain.com/general/what-is-ffpe-tissue/ |
GAP | Genomics Analysis Platform. Obsolete group/LIMS at Broad that has been absorbed into Genomics Platform | |
GPLIM | Jira project for GP LIMS | |
GSA | Global Screening Array. A chip type | |
HS | Hybrid Selection or High Sensitivity | |
IDT | A company that synthesizes DNA (e.g. for hybrid selection) | |
Infinium | Genotyping platform for Illumina | |
Insert size | Length of DNA fragments after shearing, before adapter ligation | |
LC | Library Construction | |
LCSET | Library construction set | |
LIMS | Laboratory Information Management System | |
Nexome | Exams processed with kits from Nextera? | |
ORSP | Office of Research Subject Protection | |
PCR | Polymerase chain reaction | |
PDO | Product Order | |
Pico | Pico-green, a fluorescent dye used to quant DNA | |
Pond, bait, etc. | Hybrid selection terms, hyb sel is a process of creating exomes | |
Pooling penalty | How similarly represented the different samples are in a pool of samples | |
Qiagen | Company that makes extraction kits | |
QTP | Quant Template Pool | |
RGHQS | Regroup H Quality Scores | |
RP | Research project | |
SAWS | Sample Analytics Workflow Service | |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism | |
SPRI | Solid Phase Reversible Immobiization (AMPure by Agencourt) | |
SQM | ??? The group that does procurement and materials management | |
SRS | Sample retrieval and storage | |
TAG | The Analytics Group OR Translational Analysis Group | |
TDE | Tableau Data Extract | |
TOPMed | Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine | |
TSCA | Process used for CCLF samples (among others) | |
VBGP | Verily Broad Genomics Platform??? aka "Broad West" | |
VVP | Volume verified pipetting. A liquid handler robot from Dynamic Devices | http://dynamicdevices.com/vvp-volume-verified-pipetting/ |
WES (or WEX) | Whole Exome Sequencing | |
WGS | Whole Genome Sequencing |
Additional resources
Broad Institute Acronyms (external link)
Broad/Illumina Genome Analyzer Boot Camp (to be viewed for reference about the Genomics Platform)
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