BRCA1 Gene Curation

BRCA1 Gene Curation

Gene-disease assertions not curated here (add link or write note):


Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer


Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer


Autosomal dominant


 1:70 (common)

Source: Orphanet

Rapid or full curation?


ClinGen / GenCC / BabySeq / HGMD

ClinGen Breast/Ovarian Cancer GCEP, accessed 06.23.2023

Clinical Validity Scoring Notes and points

Not published by GCEP

Clinical Validity Points Total


Source: ClinGen Breast/Ovarian Cancer GCEP, accessed 06.23.2023

Clinical Validity Classification

Definitive (12pts)

Strong (12pts)

Moderate (7-11pts)

Limited (0.1-6pts)

No genetic evidence




Source: ClinGen Breast/Ovarian Cancer GCEP, accessed 06.23.2023

Molecular Mechanism

Loss of function

Gain of function

Dominant negative



Loss of function (with Caveats, see SOP)



Complete (100%)

High (≥90%)

Reduced  (<90% and >10%)

Low (≤10%)

(list source/PMID)

Reduced (may vary by variant)

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1247/

Age of Onset





Late adulthood

(list source/PMID)




Clinical Features

female and male breast cancer, ovarian cancer (including fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancers), and to a lesser extent other cancers such as prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma primarily in individuals with a BRCA2 pathogenic variant

Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1247/

Gene SOPs & Notes

See full list of ENGIMA guidance here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y1pOVN_q2L4Muvz40esgOeqP8kg9c_hR/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=112394273326480266110&rtpof=true&sd=true

PVS1 downgrade flags. Make sure to fully review and appropriately downgrade PVS1 for the following canonical splice site locations: https://broadinstitute.atlassian.net/browse/CIT-141

  • Exon 8 splice acceptor site (c.442-1 and c.442-2) - results in creation of cryptic splice acceptor site that causes an in-frame deletion of 1 amino acid, referred to as Δ8p. PMID: 24569164

  • Exon 9 acceptor and donor sites (c.548-1 and c.548-2; c.593+1 and c.593+2) - variants at these positions are predicted to produce normal or increased levels of Δ9,10, an in-frame alternative splicing event PMID: 24569164

  • Exon 11 donor site (c.4096+1 or +2) results in partial exon 11 deletion that are naturally occurring in humans.

Most 3' Pathogenic variant - According to ENIGMA, the most 3' pathogenic variant in eon 24 is Y1863X (c.5559C>G p.Tyr1853Ter. Please fully curate if needed.

PS4: Proband counting is not currently allowed

Curation Summary:

The BRCA1 gene is associated with autosomal dominant hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, which is characterized by increased risk for female and male breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network provides management guidelines for individuals with a pathogenic variant in this gene. The BRCA1 gene is also associated with autosomal dominant Fanconi anemia.

Case ID, Curator name, Date, Jira ticket link

https://broadinstitute.atlassian.net/browse/CIT-141 https://broadinstitute.atlassian.net/browse/CIT-130

Andrea Oza 06.23.2023




Fanconi anemia


Fanconi anemia


Autosomal recessive




Rapid or full curation?


ClinGen / GenCC / BabySeq / HGMD

Hereditary Cancer GCEP accessed 6.23.2023

Clinical Validity Scoring Notes and points

Fanconi anemia complementation group S (FANCS, OMIM:617883) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by developmental delay apparent from infancy, short stature, microcephaly, and coarse dysmorphic features. Homozygous or compound heterozygous pathogenic variants in BRCA1 have been reported to be associated with FANCS. In total, eight affected individuals with FANCS from six unrelated families were curated here. All three adult probands have breast or ovarian cancer diagnosed before age of 30 (PMID: 23269703; 25472942; 31347298). Two out of five younger probands were diagnosed with cancer: one with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age 5 and one with neuroblastoma at age 2 (PMID:29712865). BRCA1, BRIP1, RAD51C, PALB2 have also been established as FA genes in the FA/BRCA DNA repair pathway. Multiple reports of functional assays using patients cells have consistent/similar results. For example, Sawyer SL, et al., 2015 (PMID: 25472942) indicated patient primary skin fibroblast cells showed reduced BRCA1 and Rad51 foci formation at IR induced damage sites and exhibited deficiency in DSB recognition. Rescue studies of PARP inhibition by Olaparib were also reported. In summary, BRCA1 is definitively associated with the autosomal recessive FANCS disorder. This has been demonstrated in both the research and clinical diagnostic settings and has been upheld over time.

Source: Hereditary Cancer GCEP accessed 6.23.2023

Clinical Validity Points Total


Source: Hereditary Cancer GCEP accessed 6.23.2023

Clinical Validity Classification


Source: Hereditary Cancer GCEP accessed 6.23.2023

Molecular Mechanism

Unknown, potentially LOF with caveats - Complete biallelic loss of BRCA1 was thought to be embryonic lethal. However, several truncating variants reported to date located in exon 11 have been reported in individuals with FA. It is thought this is due to a naturally occuring alternative splice donor in exon 11 that lies 5' to the variants and produces 2 short isoforms that lack the residues affected by tehe mutations (PMID: 29712865)

  • c.1292T>G (p.Leu431Ter) - exon 11 Source: Hereditary Cancer GCEP curation

  • c.1115G>A (p.Trp372Ter) - exon 11 Source: Hereditary Cancer GCEP curation

  • c.594_597del4 - exon 11 PubMed: 25472942

  • C903X - PubMed: 29133208


(list source/PMID)


Age of Onset

(list source/PMID)




Clinical Features



Gene SOPs & Notes


Curation Summary:


Case ID, Curator name, Date, Jira ticket link

Andrea Oza 06.23.2023 https://broadinstitute.atlassian.net/browse/CIT-141 https://broadinstitute.atlassian.net/browse/CIT-130