RP=research project
PDO = Product Order
LCSET = library construction set
BQMS = broad quality management system (errors & variation tracking)
CMI = Count Me In (cancer research project)
topoffs are bringing the lowest-coverage samples in a pool up to coverage
“export” means going from BSP to non-BSP system like Mercury, GAP, or Squid (“export” will become obsolete when we move to everything being in mercury)
Qiagen = company that makes extraction kits
Pico (pico green): intercalating dye that fluoresces when bound to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA)
Buffy Coat = a particular layer of centrifuged blood/cell prep
Nexome = exams processed with kits from Nextera?
pond, bait, etc = hybrid selection terms, hyb sel is a process of creating exomes
insert size = length of DNA fragments after shearing, before adapter ligation