- ssh-connect to "analytics" server using your favorite SSH tool. For Windows SecureCRT is offered as standard ssh-software to Broadies. For iOS (I don't know, pls some iOS guy fill this in ???)
You will be asked for username/password but interface is pretty straightforward
- run etl-commands as you see fit
Restart WebServer
sudo -u analytics /home/unix/analytics/TigerETL3/restartWeb.sh
Restart Spark
sudo -u analytics /local/spark/restartSpark.sh
Print out Spark cron-jobs
sudo -u analytics crontab -l | grep spark
Print out all ETL cron-jobs
sudo -u analytics crontab -l
Print out specific cron-job
sudo -u analytics crontab -l | grep PoolingCalculator
Run specific ETL-agent
/home/unix/analytics/TigerETL3/runEtlAgent.sh PoolingCalculator
Edit cronjob
sudo -u analytics EDITOR=nano crontab -e
Useful crontab utils:
Run EtlShell
For more information, please review Tiger3 ETL Shell
Check overall health/load on the server
sudo -u analytics htop