Gene-disease assertions not curated here (add link or write note):
Disease | congenital insensitivity to pain-hypohidrosis syndrome |
Inheritance | Autosomal recessive |
Prevalence | <1 / 1 000 000 Source: ORPHA:478664 |
Rapid or full curation? |
Clinical Validity Scoring Notes and points |
PMID: 37021010 (2023)
Source: |
Clinical Validity Points Total | 12 POINTS Source: 26005867, 37021010 |
Clinical Validity Classification | DEFINITIVE Source: 26005867, 37021010 |
Molecular Mechanism | Likely loss of function - depending on view of the animal models could be upgraded to LOF. But the variant I am curating is not LOF so I am stopping the curation here
Penetrance (list source/PMID) | Source: |
Age of Onset (list source/PMID) | Congenital |
Severity | |
Clinical Features |
Sources: PMID: 26005867 29419974 |
HPO Terms | |
Gene SOPs & Notes | |
Curation Summary | The PRDM12 variant is associated with autosomal recessive congenital insensitivity to pain-hypohidrosis syndrome. It is characterized by an inability to feel pain and absent corneal reflexes, anhidrosis, and staphylococcal infections. Due to inability to feel pain, affected individuals may have self-mutilating injuries (especially to the oral cavity and fingers), cuts and bruises, burns, bony deformities, and corneal injuries (PMID: 26005867 29419974). |
Case ID, Curator name, Date, Jira ticket link | Andrea Oza D-150409532-BH-4037-P-A 01.11.24 |