This web-server supports following services:
- JqlTableauExtractService - extracts data from JIRA into Tableau as native TDE file.
- sampleWorkflow - records sampleWorkflow-transitions in DB (used by RQC reports, etc)
- sampleAnalyticsWorkflow - new version sampleWorkflow
- labopsjira / BspFreezerLocations - support SRS tools
- CromwellViewer - monitor pipeline workflows (see also Cromwell API)
- txtExtract - extract data from datamarts as csv/tsv
- IlluminaSummary - used by John Walsh to upload summary-file to DWH
- IlluminaMetrics - used by Walsh to upload "barcodeCounts" files to DWH
- DependencyVisualizer
- ETLDashboard - ATTN: Actual ETLs (running on UNIX) are not affected even if Dashboard is down.
- "generate_sql" service generates automatically a JIRADWH query for extracting data from JIRA
- JiraWebConnector - alternative interface to get data into Tableau (failed to gain popularity)
troubleshooting tools: sqlMonitor, peekattable, LockedObjects,
Services in red above are being used in production tools, others are for development and maintenance purposes.
If any of these services gets in trouble, the easiest way to bring it back might be to restart the Web Server (analytics server - useful tools and commands)