Audience: JIRA admins and other users that have access to the an on-prem JIRA production db.
This page contains a non-exhaustive list of SQL queries that can be done from JIRAfor an on-prem Jira instance. For other examples provided by Atlassian, see Information link below the list.
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p.pkey||'-'||i.issuenum as "KEY",
cg.created as Modified,
dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldstring, 4000, 1) as OLD_String,
dbms_lob.substr(ci.newstring, 4000, 1) as NEW_String,
dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldvalue, 4000, 1) as OLD_Value,
dbms_lob.substr(ci.newvalue, 4000, 1) as NEW_Value,
ci.id as Change_Item_Id
FROM changeitem ci
JOIN changegroup cg on ci.groupid = cg.id
JOIN jiraissue i on cg.issueid = i.id
JOIN project p on i.project = p.id
WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('TEST-106') |
To create a comma separated list from an excel column e.g. if you have a bunch of JIRA records:
- New way to convert to comma separated list:
- Use this google sheet and just paste in your list of issues! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rd9xpSlvnHIUKOQMMv_S3CIqYz7G4Upzekynqfbyp0Y/edit#gid=0
- Old :
- Copy the desired column out of excel and paste directly into Word (text only).
- To paste back in JIRA: In Word, press Ctrl+H (find and replace). Find ^p and replace with ,
- To paste in a SQL query (below):In Word, press Ctrl+H (find and replace). Find ^p and replace with ',' . Do a tiny bit of fudging with the start and end of the string.
Code Block | ||
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SELECT p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum as "KEY", summary, created, updated, reporter, creator FROM JIRAISSUE i JOIN project p ON I.project=p.id WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('PICO-5910','KIT-98') |
Code Block |
SELECT * FROM customfield WHERE customfield.customfieldtypekey LIKE 'org.broadinstitute%' ORDER BY customfield.customfieldtypekey |
Return comments, summary, descriptions containing certain text
text e.g. tableau-sap
Code Block |
select p.pkey||'-'||j.issuenum as key,a.actionbody,j.summary,j.description
from jiraaction a
join jiraissue j on a.issueid = j.id
join project p on j.project = p.id
a.actionbody like '%Tableau-sap%'
OR j.summary like '%Tableau-sap%'
OR j.description like '%Tableau-sap%' |