Versions Compared


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There have been situations where end users need to review a sample, check relevant metrics and trigger a specific Action - for example "for a given sample, IF RapidQC has completed AND LOD>0 THEN submit "FinalAggregation" request in Pipeline's JMS queue". All of these actions to be done/initiated from within Tableau. Beyond visualization, Tableau can't do much else in terms of maintaining a "workflow" in DB, talking to external web-services like JMS and so on. That's why these job is being outsourced to our "SampleAnalyticsWorkflow" web-service - it's written in Scala so there is virtually no limit what tasks it can do for you. Tableau utilize it's UrlAction gadget to make a URL call to SAW service when appropriate.


Column nameData typeDescription
"RequestFinalAggregation", "RequestTopOff", "RequestTopOffGroup", "RequestPoolCreated", "RequestSendToRework", "RequestHoldForTopOff", "RequestWaitingForNewRwData", "RequestReset", "RequestPCHoldForTopOff","RequestVolumeFinal"
1 encodes RequestFinalAggregation, 2 encodes RequestTopOff and so on
USER_NAMEVARCHAR2who triggered this action/transition
PARAMSVARCHAR2This is a free text where Tableau developers can store additional info re this transition which later can be used. Usually it's semicolon-separated-list-of-key=value-pairs
TIMESTAMPDATEwhen this action was triggered
IS_LATESTNUMBERBoolean (1 or 0), Is this the latest transition a given (PDO, PDO_SAMPLE, DATA_TYPE) has gone through. Every time new transition is recorded it comes with IS_LATEST=1 whereas previous latest transition is reset IS_LATEST=0
IP_ADDRESSVARCHAR2where (which IP) this request came from


  • requestType is the text-representation of this request (RequestFinalAggregation, RequestTopOff, etc)
  • each individual item is a quintuple representing a single sample like this pdo:pdo_sample:data_type:user_name:parameters (greens are optional, trailing colons are not required)


  1. JOIN cognos.slxre_readgroup_metadata ON (pdo, pdo_sample, data_type) and lookup (research_project_id,collaborator_sample_id) for a given sample
  2. send JSON message to appropriate JMS queue


2 separate environments are provided


Manual Push for Final Aggregation

  1. In EtlShell: copy/paste the comma-separated list of (pdo:pdo_samples:datatype) triplets (note that within each triplet elements are separated by colon)

    Code Block
    import analytics.tiger.agents.SAW
    CognosDB("analytics.tiger.agents.SAW.PushDev.Manual", SAW.manual("PDO-111:SM-111:E,PDO-222:SM-222:E") flatMap SAW.finalAggDev("nasko"))

  2. In EtlShell: load (pdo:pdo_samples:datatype) triplets as a single column via SQL

    Code Block
    import analytics.tiger.agents.SAW
    val sql = """SELECT m.pdo || ':' || m.pdo_sample || ':' || m.data_type data FROM cognos.rapidqc_agg m WHERE m.pdo='PDO-17350' AND m.pdo_sample IN ('SM-I3797','SM-I2NWY','SM-I371P','SM-I2P3C')"""
    CognosDB("analytics.tiger.agents.SAW.PushDev.viaSQL", SAW.viaSQL(sql) flatMap SAW.finalAggDev("nasko"))
