
Audience: JIRA admins and other users that have access to the JIRA production db.


This page contains a non-exhaustive list of SQL queries that can be done from JIRA. For other examples provided by Atlassian, see Information link below the list.

Table of Contents


More examples: SQL queries for Jira from Atlassian

Return changeitems (including before and after values, as well as modification date) for issue TEST-106

No Format
    p.pkey||'-'||i.issuenum as "KEY",
    cg.created as Modified,
    dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldstring, 4000, 1) as OLD_String, 
    dbms_lob.substr(ci.newstring, 4000, 1) as NEW_String,
    dbms_lob.substr(ci.oldvalue, 4000, 1) as OLD_Value,
    dbms_lob.substr(ci.newvalue, 4000, 1) as NEW_Value
	ci.id as Change_Item_Id
from changeitem ci
join changegroup cg on
ci.groupid = cg.id
join jiraissue i on
cg.issueid = i.id
join project p on i.project = p.id
where p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('TEST-106')



And to update an item that gets returned


No Format
UPDATE changeitem 
SET OldString = 'Set Text Here'
where changeitem.id = 1819534

Return saved filters that contain the text In Post LC

No Format
SELECT a.id, a.filtername, dbms_lob.substr(a.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL, a.authorname
FROM searchrequest a
WHERE dbms_lob.substr(a.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) like '%In Post LC%'

Return agile boards that have a swimlane with JQL query containing Nexome

No Format
SELECT a.name AS Swimlane_Name, r.name as Board_Name, r.owner_user_name as Owner, a.query
FROM ao_60db71_swimlane a
JOIN ao_60db71_rapidview r on a.rapid_view_id = r.id 
WHERE a.query LIKE '%Nexome%'

Return who has dashboard QTP Overview as a favorite

OR who has dashboard with id 12272 as a favorite

No Format
SELECT f.username, p.pagename as Dashboard, p.id
FROM favouriteassociations f
JOIN portalpage p ON f.entityid = p.id 
WHERE f.entitytype = 'PortalPage' 
and p.pagename = 'QTP Overview'
--and f.entityid = 12272

Return who has 'MyFilter' or filter id of 10001 saved as a favorite:

No Format
SELECT f.username, sr.filtername, sr.id
FROM favouriteassociations f
JOIN searchrequest sr ON f.entityid = sr.id 
WHERE f.entitytype = 'SearchRequest' 
and sr.filtername = 'MyFilter'
--and f.entityid = 10001

Return a user's (biasella) favorite filters along with the JQL behind the filter

No Format
SELECT si.filtername, dbms_lob.substr( si.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL
FROM favouriteassociations fa
JOIN searchrequest si ON fa.entityid = si.id
WHERE fa.username = 'biasella';

Return filter name and JQL given a filter id e.g. filter=15191

No Format
SELECT si.id, si.filtername, dbms_lob.substr( si.reqcontent, 4000, 1 ) as JQL
FROM favouriteassociations fa
JOIN searchrequest si ON fa.entityid = si.id
WHERE si.id = 15191

Return private filters


No Format
select * from searchrequest
where id not in 
    (select entityid 
    from sharepermissions 
    where entitytype = 'SearchRequest') 

Return private dashboards


No Format
select * from portalpage
where id not in 
    (select entityid 
    from sharepermissions 
    where entitytype='PortalPage') 

Return information from jiraissue table given a list of quoted comma separated issue keys 

To create a comma separated list from an excel column e.g. if you have a bunch of JIRA records:


No Format
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum as "KEY",summary,created,updated,reporter,creator
JOIN project p ON I.project=p.id
p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in 

Returns issues that have a Lucidchart diagram


No Format
select distinct p.pkey || '-' || i.issuenum
from propertyentry pe
inner join fileattachment fa
  on pe.entity_id = fa.id
inner join jiraissue i
  on fa.issueid = i.id
inner join project p
  on i.project = p.id
  pe.property_key = 'lucidchart.attachment.id';

Finding a certain add on used in workflows


e.g. Bob Swift's Create on Transition add-on. 


No Format
  workflowscheme.name AS "Workflow Scheme",
  issuetype.pname AS "Associated Issue Type",
issuetype.id = workflowschemeentity.issuetype and
workflowscheme.id = workflowschemeentity.scheme and
  workflowschemeentity.workflow in
        jiraworkflows.descriptor like '%org.swift.jira.cot%');

Return custom fields and how often they're used (not null in issues)

No Format
SELECT CF.cfname, count(CV.ISSUE) 
FROM customfield CF 
join customfieldvalue CV on CF.ID = CV.CUSTOMFIELD
group by CF.cfname

Return screens where a SYSTEM field is used (not for custom fields)

No Format
select screen.name from fieldscreenlayoutitem layoutItem 
inner join fieldscreentab tab on layoutItem.fieldscreentab = tab.id
  inner join fieldscreen screen on tab.fieldscreen = screen.id
  where fieldidentifier = 'priority'
