- JqlTableauExtractService - extracts data from JIRA into Tableau as native TDE file.
- sampleWorkflow - records sampleWorkflow-transitions in DB (used by RQC reports, etc)
- sampleAnalyticsWorkflow - new version sampleWorkflow
- labopsjira / BspFreezerLocations - support SRS tools
- CromwellViewer - monitor pipeline workflows (see also Cromwell API)
- txtExtract - extract data from datamarts as csv/tsv
- IlluminaSummary - used by John Walsh to upload summary-file to DWH
- IlluminaMetrics - used by Walsh to upload "barcodeCounts" files to DWH
- DependencyVisualizer
- ETLDashboard - ATTN: Actual ETLs (running on UNIX) are not affected even if Dashboard is down.
- "generate_sql" service generates automatically a JIRADWH query for extracting data from JIRA
- JiraWebConnector - alternative interface to get data into Tableau (failed to gain popularity)
troubleshooting tools: sqlMonitor, peekattable, LockedObjects,