Tableau screenshots are displayed on monitors throughout Broad using the process described below and scripts described here:
Tableau server configuration and support#ScreenshotScripts
- Get BITS to add your own computer's IP address to the list of approved VNC-accessing machines (old list in attached PDF, see BITS INC0078954 ). To add a computer to this list, ask BITS to add your IP address to the Lab av VNC 320c_lab_av_users group.
- VNC Viewer 5.3.2 now installed on tableau-ts-beta. As of 20180808: VNC Viewer can connect fine to both the Sequencing hallway monitors and the Samples lab monitors.
- Run VNC viewer (or tight or Chicken). Software available for download here: VNC Viewer software (or TightVNC software or ChickenOfTheVNC software)
- BEFORE connecting to the monitor machine, disable keyboard and mouse input in VNC Options/Preferences > Inputs (so as to not disrupt the screensavers).
- Enter the IP address of the target VNC server computer (see table below).
- Password is required on monitors with new VNC licenses (easy PW). (No PW required on monitors with old VNC licenses, but that should change when BITS corrects the licenses).
- This lets you see the monitor as it is.
- To actually change its settings, "enable mouse input" must be checked (this can be done once you're connected, by accessing the hidden toolbar in the top center of the screen).
- After making changes and disabling the mouse, the screensaver should just start after one minute (so you can check the screenshots)