
  • Secondary method of managing these monitors/computers: Bluetooth keyboards paired with the monitors/computers


  • .
    • Those of us with VNC-accessing computers (list in attached PDF) can access all the Broad VNC machines


    •  (see BITS incident


To manage via VNC:

  • Run VNC viewer. https://www.realvnc.com/download/viewer/
  • Configure the Options/Inputs before connecting to the monitor machine (uncheck "enable mouse input")
  • Enter the IP address of the target VNC server computers


  • This lets you see the monitor as it is.
  • To actually change its settings, "enable mouse input" must be checked.
  • Then, after making changes, the screensaver should just start after one minute (so you can check the screenshots)

*The process of adding a new VNC server/monitor:**

  • Customer will tell BITS they want one. BITS will send them to us.


  • If we agree to work on it, BITS will be in charge of getting it all setup and licensing.


  • They can point it at a test folder, and then we can point it at the "real" folder of screenshots once they've been made.


You may want to optimize the output for large screens by creating a duplicate view for screenshots and changing the resolution in Tableau to 1600x1000, increasing font size, removing filter cards, using custom views, etc.

Computers running VNC and showing screenshots:

LocationIP addressScreenshots folder
Stanley Center192.168.192.186(TBD)
Zach's officeiMacCommon
GP loungePCCommon
