CAUTION: heavy queries could cause crashes!
- Copy the desired column out of excel and paste directly into Word.
- In Word, press Ctrl+H (find and replace). Find ^p and replace with ,
No Format |
SELECT p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum as "KEY",summary,created,updated,reporter,creator FROM JIRAISSUE i JOIN project p ON WHERE p.pkey||'-'||I.issuenum in ('PICO-5910','KIT-98') |
No Format |
select distinct p.pkey || '-' || i.issuenum from propertyentry pe inner join fileattachment fa on pe.entity_id = inner join jiraissue i on fa.issueid = inner join project p on i.project = where pe.property_key = ''; |
Finding a certain add on used in workflows, e.g. JIRA misc workflow extensionsBob Swift's Create on Transition add-on.
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