Tableau Server Upgrades (Terminal Servers Windows2016/10 & TS 2019.3)
- Create tableau-ts to replace tableau-ts-beta (Tableau Desktop server): RPT-5645
- Create tableau-test to be renamed and replace tableau-beta (Tableau Server machine): RPT-5535
Jira Upgrades
Mercury samples Reporting
- Plating: RPT-5485
- Extractions: RPT-5165
- Pico: RPT-5660, SUPPORT-5644
Requires: GPLIM-6403
- Receipt: RPT-5389, RPT-5660
DRAGEN metrics
- Tableau report for comparing with Pipeline during debugging, e.g. DRAGEN metrics TEST
- ETL support to substitute DRAGEN metrics for Pipeline metrics: TBD
10X Support (Jira, Tableau?)
- New Jira types: RPT-5631
Requires coordination with GPLIM-6622
Lab Instrument QC
- Tableau: RPT-4961
Requires: GPLIM-6069
Determine requirements for streamlined LIMS.analytics_sample datamart & create GPLIM ticket
Missing data tool ("Where's my data?")
Dependency Visualizer(???)
- DWH DependencyVisualizer: RPT-5310