ETL troubleshooting recipes
Issue: Repatienting (rename externalID well after work on sample has started)
System: GAP
Remedy: Request a refresh for Sample_Attributes datamart by issuing SQL statement like this in GAP_PROD.ANALYTICS:
INSERT INTO sample_attr_special_refreshes
SELECT 'SM-' || a.sample_id, SYSDATE
FROM sample_attributes a
WHERE a.collaborator_sample_id IN ('old_externalID_1','old_externalID_2')
Issue: When upstream data change, some BSP plating info in BSP_PLATED_SAMPLES might need to be refreshed.
Remedy: Request a refresh for BspPlatingRequestAgent by issuing SQL like this in GAP_PROD.ANALYTICS:
INSERT INTO bsp_plating_special_refreshes VALUES('6E3K2', SYSDATE);
Note there is no "SM-" prefix,
Issue: When upstream data change, some samples in PDO_STAR5 might need to be refreshed.
Remedy: Request a refresh for PdoStar5Agent by issuing SQL like this in SEQPROD.COGNOS:
INSERT INTO pdo_star_special_refreshes VALUES('PDO-1', 'SM-12345', sysdate)
Issue: When upstream data change, some samples in ReadgroupMetadata might need to be refreshed.
Remedy: Request a refresh for RunMercuryAgent by issuing SQL like this in SEQPROD.COGNOS:
CALL cognos.data_warehouse_api.request_refresh(P_FLOWCELL_BARCODE=>'XYZ', P_REQUESTED_BY=>'JohnDoe', P_COMMENTS=>'Test', P_DEFERRAL_ANALYSIS_DATE=>null)
No COMMIT needed in this particular call - it's implicitly done for you.
Issue: How to prevent an entire FC from getting into ReadgroupMetadata.
Remedy: Blacklist it by issuing SQL like this in SEQPROD.COGNOS:
UPDATE slxre_rghqs_targets a SET a.blacklist_timestamp=SYSDATE WHERE a.run_name='run123'
Issue: Scala ETL ERROR: analytics.etl.DeckEventAgent$ (Most likely 'lcSet' tag is missing)
Diagnosis: Sometimes this Squid web-service returns no LcSet. Email is automatically sent to LIMS (resp. Brian Reilly)
Remedy: Just follow up with LIMS team. Our DeckEventAgent will catch up as soon as LIMS service is fixed. No other intervention is needed.