Determine the root cause of missing BAM files path

Determine the root cause of missing BAM files path

My samples are missing BAM file paths in PDO Tracker report. This translates into analysis are missing in the data source (cognos.pdo_star5_aux). The BAM file path is constructed in the report based on the aggregation analysis.

Troubleshooting process.

  1. Reproduce the issue in the report and then in SQL.

    SELECT a.aggregation_project, a.analysis_id, a.data_type, a.runs_end, a.bsp_collaborator_sample_id, a.* FROM pdo_star5_aux a WHERE a.pdo_sample ='SM-JVCPT'

    -- returns NULL for aggregation_project and analysis_id. This means the PDO Star ETL didn't pick the aggregation. This data comes from aggregation data mart (cognos.slxre2_pagg_sample)

  2. Check the aggregation data

    SELECT * FROM slxre2_pagg_sample a WHERE a.SAMPLE ='microbial_pos_1159'; -- this is the bsp_collaborator_sample_id from Q1.

    -- returns no records.

  3. Check whether there are aggregations in the raw data - where the pipeline records the metrics.

    SELECT * FROM metrics.aggregation a WHERE a.SAMPLE ='microbial_pos_1159' -- this is the bsp_collaborator_sample_id from Q1.
    1. -- returns no records. This means that the aggregation has not been run yet. It can be queued (but we don't have visibility to that ) or the sequenced read groups could have been blacklisted. Blacklisted read groups are not included in the aggregation.

  4. Check for sequencing data. Set a run_date filter that should capture the runs

    -- returns the read groups that the sample was sequenced on.

  5. Check whether the read groups were blacklisted.
    5.1. By looking up the blacklist table:

-- returns no records. Read groups are not blacklisted.

5.2. By joining the metadata and blacklisting tables

-- returns all sequenced read groups but the flowcell from blacklist table (b.flowcell_barcode) is NULL. This means that these read groups are not present in the blacklist table.

Turns out this sample was not aggregated and its read groups were not blacklisted.
A similar checks should be done for all samples in the request and make sure that the same explanation is valid for all of them. ( replace "a.pdo_sample ='SM-JVCPT'" with "a.pdo_sample in ('SM-JVCPT', 'SM-...', ...)" and similarly in other queries look up all samples in a list.

In this case the request to run aggregation should be passed to Pipeline Ops.
Usually, when they complete, the data is automatically being picked up in order - in aggregation DM and then in the PDO Star DM.

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