Gene-disease assertions not curated here (add link or write note):
Disease | congenital insensitivity to pain-hypohidrosis syndrome |
Inheritance | Autosomal recessive |
Prevalence | <1 / 1 000 000 Source: ORPHA:478664 |
Rapid or full curation? |
Clinical Validity Scoring Notes and points |
PMID: 37021010 (2023)
Source: |
Clinical Validity Points Total | 12 POINTS Source: 26005867, 37021010 |
Clinical Validity Classification | DEFINITIVE Source: 26005867, 37021010 |
Molecular Mechanism | Likely loss of function - depending on view of the animal models could be upgraded to LOF. But the variant I am curating is not LOF so I am stopping the curation here
Penetrance (list source/PMID) | Source: |
Age of Onset (list source/PMID) | Congenital |
Severity | |
Clinical Features |
Sources: PMID: 26005867 29419974 |
HPO Terms | |
Gene SOPs & Notes | |
Curation Summary | The PRDM12 variant is associated with autosomal recessive hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy, also known as congenital insensitivity to pain. It is characterized by an inability to feel pain and absent corneal reflexes, anhidrosis, and staphylococcal infections. Due to inability to feel pain, affected individuals may have self-mutilating injuries (especially to the oral cavity and fingers), cuts and bruises, burns, bony deformities, and corneal injuries (PMID: 26005867 29419974). |
Case ID, Curator name, Date, Jira ticket link | Andrea Oza D-150409532-BH-4037-P-A 01.11.24 |