Financial reports use SAP data through SAP BW data sources provide by Business Systems department.
Current reports connecting to BPA:
Connecting to BPA requires setting up SAP Logon application. It is installed and setup on tableau01-dev VM (or whichever VM hosts tableau-dev server).
Tableau-dev VM is our R&D environment for SAP reports.
Installation and setup SAP Logon application on tableau-dev VM
Log in to tableau-dev VM as yourself.
Install SAP Logon from \\gp-reports\tableau_backups\Software\SAP 730\Broad_SAP.exe (Broad SAP & BE 7.30 Comp 1)
Un-select Business Explorer and continue with the installationExecute patch: \\gp-reports\tableau_backups\Software\SAP 730\gui730_4-10010496.exe (SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 Comp 1 patchlevel 4)
Install driver \\gp-reports\tableau_backups\Software\SAP 730\BWODBO64SP02_0-20007320 (SAP BW ODBO Driver 64bit SP02)
Setup a connection to SAP
Log in to tableau-dev VM as tableau_auth
Set the BPA connection
Connection Type: Custom Application Server
Description: BPA
Application Server: erpbia
Instance Number: 00
System ID: BPATest the connection in Tableau Desktop.
In tableau-dev VM open Tableau Desktop.
Connect to SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse.
Connect as tableauuser or gmtableau (password is in TeamsID) and make sure Client is set to 100.
Develop reports off SAP BW data
Login to tableau-dev VM as yourself.
Open Tableau Desktop and connect to SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse as tableauuser or gmtableau. Password is in Teams ID.
Navigate to the suggested data source in the list of cubes and views.
Never use a live connection to SAP BW cubes / views. Always make a full extracts. The view provided by Business Systems team should be optimized for performance. ZDTR report are usually built off of a view which contains certain Fiscal years (usually current and previous FY as per users request) and there are filters on the level of the data (just right for the financial reporting).
Notes for ZDTR data source
ZDTR uses published extract ZBFM_M01.
Filters in the extract:
Fiscal Year - current and previous
Funded Prog LVL3 : BGS SSF, LLC CRSP. This will ensure that all COs for GP and DSP platforms are captured.Changing the connection (that is to change the username) wipes out the extract filters. Steps to change the connection done when logged in to tableau-dev VM as yourelf:
Downloaded the data source ZBFM_M01
Copy to \\gp-reports\Tableau\Datasources\ZBFM_M01.tdsx
Login to tableau-dev as yourself
Open the data source in Desktop
Extract Data...
Tableau asked for SAP credentials - switched to the new user
Set the filters above and run the extract.
Publish to Server with Authentication set to Allow refresh in order to embed credentials even though this extracts will not be scheduled for regular refresh.