how massive a project/workflow is (N_issues)
how dependent a project/workflow is on apps (N_REFS, N_DREFS)
is it current or outdated project/workflow (Latest Creation Date)
print out the generic workflow diagram
get representative issue tickets to drill further via IssueStepsTimeMachine tool
find the “driven-by-Mercury” Jira actions (all steps where username='squid')
use these params to show/hide/filter a specific field:
issue_type=show | hide
app=show | hide
app_widget=show | hide
post-functions, validators, actions, etc - magical bits of automation triggered implicitly behind the scene (send email, update custom field, create a new issue in another project, etc)
app_filter=all | atlassian | non-atlassian
“atlassian” app_widgets are believed to be easy to migrate since Atlassian is behind it
“non-atlassian” app_widgets are believed to be harder to migrate since 3rd party smaller vendors are behind it
filtered-apps N_REFS are still rolled up even if app=hide param is applied
wf_component_type=show | hide
in addition to “steps” a workflow could also have post-functions attached to “global-actions”, “common-actions” or “initial-actions” - all these are collectively called “workflow_components“ (or wf_components)
wf_component_type_filter=all | steps step-actions | global-actions | common-actions | initial-actions
filtered wf_omponent_types N_REFS are still rolled up even if wf_omponent_types=hide param is applied
how far in the past to look: days_to_look_back=4000
which Jira instance: jira=labopsjira | gpinfojira
project to look into: project=all | decisions_only | LCSET
“decisions_only” instructs JiraInspector to pre-filter only the projects destined for migration
do you want to look into the browser or download to CSV: format=html | csv | tsv
actual_status_coverage=show | hide
group issues by actual statuses a ticket has gone through, it will also produce all users involved
which Jira instance: jira=labopsjira | gpinfojira
project to look into: project=LCSET (all also works)
Plugins - all plugins directory (in the most cases stay away from this one)
Examples of gradually drilling top-down from Projects, Workflows, WfComponents, Apps, AppWidgets
Total N_REFs grouped by Workflow across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and “wf_component_type” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type” and “app” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type”, “app” and “app_widget” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps.
This is one of the most granular dataset, a variety of rollups can be generated from it. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and Apps across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps., non-atlassian datasets
Q: How to find the list of post-functions for a given workflow/transition?
A: The “3-clicks processpost-function lookup” procedure (snapshot below) is the only method we got so far.
You start off with the workflow viewer.
Q: What’s the point of these APP_WIDGETS ?
A: In addition to “post-functions”, there are few more less famous workflow automations: conditions, validators and triggers. (example below) Collectively we call all these APP_WIDGETs.
Storytelling with Project/Workflow and IssueStepsTimeMachine
Check the ProjectWorkflows along with IssueTypes grouped by status_coverage. a row where ACTUAL_STATUS_COVERAGE matches your interest. Slide to the right until you find the ISSUE_STEPS_TIME_MACHINE_LINK Activity Stream;30
it will take you to the TimeMachine for 1 ticket of that group. You can plug in the URL other issue-keys as you see fit. Note the “trim” parameter to make a field less noisy.find out who is doing what, what transitions, what fields are changed, by whom, etc
the process is shown below (pls zoom in, snapshot is really wide)