how massive a project/workflow is (N_issues)
how dependent a project/workflow is on apps (N_REFS, N_DREFS)
is it current or outdated project/workflow (Latest Creation Date)
print out the generic workflow diagram
get representative issue tickets to drill further via IssueStepsTimeMachine tool
find the “driven-by-Mercury” Jira actions (all steps where username='squid')
use these params to show/hide/filter a specific field:
issue_type=show | hide
app=show | hide
app_widget=show | hide
post-functions, validators, actions, etc - magical bits of automation triggered implicitly behind the scene (send email, update custom field, create a new issue in another project, etc)
app_filter=all | atlassian | non-atlassian
“atlassian” app_widgets are believed to be easy to migrate since Atlassian is behind it
“non-atlassian” app_widgets are believed to be harder to migrate since 3rd party smaller vendors are behind it
filtered-apps N_REFS are still rolled up even if app=hide param is applied
wf_component_type=show | hide
in addition to “steps” a workflow could also have post-functions attached to “global-actions”, “common-actions” or “initial-actions” - all these are collectively called “workflow_components“ (or wf_components)
wf_component_type_filter=all | steps step-actions | global-actions | common-actions | initial-actions
filtered wf_omponent_types N_REFS are still rolled up even if wf_omponent_types=hide param is applied
how far in the past to look: days_to_look_back=4000
which Jira instance: jira=labopsjira | gpinfojira
project to look into: project=all | decisions_only | LCSET
“decisions_only” instructs JiraInspector to pre-filter only the projects destined for migration
do you want to look into the browser or download to CSV: format=html | csv | tsv
actual_status_coverage=show | hide
group issues by actual statuses a ticket has gone through, it will also produce all users involved
which Jira instance: jira=labopsjira | gpinfojira
project to look into: project=LCSET (all also works)
Plugins - all plugins directory (in the most cases stay away from this one)
Examples of gradually drilling top-down from Projects, Workflows, WfComponents, Apps, AppWidgets
Total N_REFs grouped by Workflow across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and “wf_component_type” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type” and “app” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type”, “app” and “app_widget” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps.
This is one of the most granular dataset, a variety of rollups can be generated from it. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and Apps across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps., non-atlassian datasets
Q: Why do we care about post-functions?
A: post-functions are an essential part of what a “working Jira project” means. These are all the automations being triggered behind the scene for you when a ticket is moving through the steps in the workflow. (for example: send email, create a new ticket in another project, post a comment, parse a field and update another field, etc)
Q: How to find the list of post-functions for a given workflow/transition?
You start off with the workflow viewer (steps shown below)
Our UATs already test the workflow “transitions” - why do we have to deal with “post-functions”?
A: Without covering “post-functions” (resp. transition automations), an UAT is worthless.
Q: post-functions are difficult and time-consuming to deal with, why don’t we just wait for consultants to provide “insights” before we tackle these?
A: No amount of consultant insights can eliminate the core business need for us knowing our own automation rules.
Writing good-coverage UATs, executing UATs is all on us/GP.
UATs must be executed on all projects***, all workflows, all transitions along with all automations off the transitions (resp. post-functions).
*** only projects decided to be migrated are referenced here
Q: How to find the list of post-functions for a given workflow/transition?
A: The “3-clicks post-function lookup” procedure (snapshot below) is the only method we got so far.
You start off with the workflow viewer.
Q: What’s the point of these APP_WIDGETS ?
A: In addition to “post-functions”, there are few more less famous workflow automations: conditions, validators and triggers. (example below) Collectively we call all these APP_WIDGETs.
Storytelling with Project/Workflow and IssueStepsTimeMachine
Check the ProjectWorkflows along with IssueTypes grouped by status_coverage. a row where ACTUAL_STATUS_COVERAGE matches your interest. Slide to the right until you find the ISSUE_STEPS_TIME_MACHINE_LINK Activity Stream;30
it will take you to the TimeMachine for 1 ticket of that group. You can plug in the URL other issue-keys as you see fit. Note the “trim” parameter to make a field less noisy.find out who is doing what, what transitions, what fields are changed, by whom, etc
the process is shown below (pls zoom in, snapshot is really wide)
Jira Inspector leverages direct access to the Oracle DB underneath, similar implementation in Cloud is not possible