ETL | Example format | Tips |
PdoStar by (PDO,Sample) | PDO-12345,SM-123DE PDO-12345,SM-123AB PDO-56789, SM-ABCD3 SM-ABCD4 SM-ABCD5 | One sample per line. Extra spaces are fine. One sample per line. PDO must precede a sample or list of samples. PDO & sample can be separated by comma or space(s). |
PdoStar by (CollaboratorSample) | HAP1aa Penny1 CHOP 1266a | One sample per line. Spaces will be inferred as part of the sampleID. One sample per line. No commas allowed. |
Rghqs (Flowcell) | HHYT7BLXX | One FC per line. Extra spaces are fine. No commas allowed. |
If there are “exception” errors/failures, copy the TIGERETL_RUNID (and/or screenshot the message) to help Nasko troubleshoot.