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Comment: ¿How to make PDO_STAR5 ETL pick a new product ?

nameAnalytics ETL Framework


INSERT INTO pdo_star_special_refreshes VALUES('PDO-1', 'SM-12345', sysdate)



Issue: How to make PDO_STAR5 ETL pick a new product ?

Remedy: Add a new "interesting" product by issuing SQL like this in SEQPROD.COGNOS

INSERT INTO pdo_star_interesting_products values('P-123456')

Issue: When upstream data change, some samples in ReadgroupMetadata might need to be refreshed.


UPDATE slxre_rghqs_targets a SET a.blacklist_timestamp=SYSDATE WHERE a.run_name='run123'



IssueScala ETL ERROR: analytics.etl.DeckEventAgent$ (Most likely 'lcSet' tag is missing)

Diagnosis: Sometimes this Squid web-service returns no LcSet. Email is automatically sent to LIMS (resp. Brian Reilly)

Remedy: Just follow up with LIMS team. Our DeckEventAgent will catch up as soon as LIMS service is fixed. No other intervention is needed.



Issueanalytics.etl.PkViolationWarning. unique constraint (COGNOS.RGHQS_METADATA_PK) violated

Diagnosis: This happens when 2+ readgroups having same (fc, lane, mol_index) try to get into datamart. Picard calls it "CLASH". RunMercuryAgent would ignore abusing readgroups and move on with the rest of 'good' ones. Email would give you detailed troubleshooting info.

Remedy: There isn't much for us to do. If upstream issues are resolved you can request a ReadgroupMetadata refresh for the whole run/fc (see above).
