Total N_REFs grouped by Workflow across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and “wf_component_type” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type” and “app” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type”, “app” and “app_widget” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps.
This is one of the most granular dataset, a variety of rollups can be generated from it. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and Apps across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps., non-atlassian datasets
Q: What’s the point of these APP_WIDGETS ?
A: In addition to “post-functions”, there are few more less famous workflow automations: conditions, validators and triggers. (example below) Collectively we call all these APP_WIDGETs.
Story telling Storytelling with Project/Workflow and IssueStepsTimeMachine
Check the ProjectWorkflows along with IssueTypes grouped by status_coverage. a row where ACTUAL_STATUS_COVERAGE matches your interest. Slide to the right until you find the ISSUE_STEPS_TIME_MACHINE_LINK Activity Stream;30
it will take you to the TimeMachine for 1 ticket of that group. You can plug in the URL other issue-keys as you see fit. Note the “trim” parameter to make a field less noisy.the process is shown below (pls zoom in, snapshot is really bigwide)
Jira Inspector leverages direct access to the Oracle DB underneath, similar implementation in Cloud is not possible