Total N_REFs grouped by Workflow across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and “wf_component_type” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type” and “app” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type”, “app” and “app_widget” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps.
This is one of the most granular dataset, a variety of rollups can be generated from it. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and Apps across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps., non-atlassian datasets
Q: What’s the point of these APP_WIDGETS ?
A: In addition to “post-functions”, there are few more less famous workflow automations: conditions, validators and triggers. (example below) Collectively we call all these APP_WIDGETs.
Story telling with Project/Workflow and IssueStepsTimeMachine
Check the ProjectWorkflows along with IssueTypes grouped by status_coverage. Pick a row where ACTUAL_STATUS_COVERAGE match your interest. Slide to the right until you find the ISSUE_STEPS_TIME_MACHINE_LINK - it will take you to the TimeMachine for 1 ticket of that group. You can plug in the URL other issue-keys as you see fit. (process is shown below)
Jira Inspector leverages direct access to the Oracle DB underneath, similar implementation in Cloud is not possible