see all CustomFields grouped by Project and IssueType across all non-atlassian apps all CustomFields for LCSET project grouped by IssueType across all non-atlassian apps in raw JSON format
ProjectWorkflowsAppDependencies across both instances - in terms of N_REFs (number of app-references in the workflow descriptor)
ActiveUsers - users who have logged-in or created in the past N days
Total N_REFs grouped by Workflow across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and “wf_component_type” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type” and “app” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps. N_REFs grouped by Workflow, “wf_component_type”, “app” and “app_widget” across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps.
This is one of the most granular dataset, a variety of rollups can be generated from it. N_REFs grouped by Workflow and Apps across all “destined to be migrated” projects, across all non-atlassian apps., non-atlassian datasets
How difficult to migrate my project is? (could be read as “what are the chances of successful migration”?)
What is the N_REFS number for it?
Is the N_REFS distributed across multiple APPS? Which APPS?
Are these APPS marked by JCMA as “Stage1”, “Stage2” or “Not supported in Cloud“?
What remedies might be available for these features (app-widgets) that are not supported in Cloud?
If it turns out it’s very difficult and/or expensive, shall I contact my stakeholders and discuss if we could give up that feature?
How to find the list of post-functions for a given workflow/transition.
You start off with the workflow viewer (steps shown below)
Jira Inspector leverages direct access to the Oracle DB underneath, similar implementation in Cloud is not possible