Create a copy of the template page (Draft Template) [Gene name] Gene Curation
Fill in the table for each gene-disease assertion you curate
If there are assertions that have been made, but not curated, please note at the top of the page under “Gene-disease assertions not curated here (add link or write note):”
If there are multiple gene-disease curations performed for a single gene, fill out a separate table for each. This will require copy/pasting the template table
Refer to the SOP for guidance https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XY2_T3IJ7mtVPSrC6dCWmV2gqgqJ2p1laVBGZySK7vM/edit
As this is a new process, if you have suggestions on how to improve the SOP or template, please comment on
and tag Andrea OzaJira Legacy server System JIRA serverId eee25142-2510-336f-918a-865682ebdf2e key CIT-97
There is a table of contents that will only show up if the desired text is formatted properly. Please edit as follows:
Disease name - edit to “Heading 1”
Gene SOP & Notes - if present, edit the words “Gene SOPs and Notes” to “Heading 2”
An example can be seen here: APC Gene Curation