Over the years our LabOpsJira has been extended with a multitude of projects, workflows, issue-types, custom-fields, etc. Regardless of where our new Jira home would be (Atlassian Cloud or DataCenter), at some point we will have to conduct a User Acceptance Tests (UAT) to make sure that crucial functionality is not affected. These UATs would look be very tightly linked to a specific project/workflow (for example: LCSET tests would look very differently from PDO tests). Given the variety of projects, collective knowledge is mostly stored in people’s minds. So just brainstorming with multiple teams about “what the current projects/workflows are and who is doing what” will not be very productive.
We need a deep Analytics off Jira itself which could provide a complete picture of active project diagrams, issue-types, workflows, users, transitions, LIMS interactions and more.