Tableau Support
Upgrading Server (admins)
Consult with lab and BITS to plan upgrade schedule.
Earlier in the day:
- Create a JIRA ticket for the upgrade (e.g. RPT-3311)
- Email tableau-admins to have them turn off Icinga on the target server for the day.
- On any computer, download the latest server version into the tableau-backups directory on Krypton (DL from products download page:
- Email tableau-users to let them know about downtime.
- On the target server you're going to upgrade, confirm that there are no current users: (e.g.
- Log in to VM of target server (e.g. tableau-dev).
Command prompt: C:\> tabadmin stopIn the start menu, Add or Remove Programs, right click on Tableau Server & "uninstall" (this takes a while)- On target VM, navigate to the newly downloaded file, open it, accept all defaults during setup/installation.
- Paste in the User (e.g CHARLES\tableau_auth) & password (initialization takes quite a while)
- Once it's done (it'll try to launch IE), trash any *.tsbak from C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\ & any tabsvc.bak* from C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\ and empty the recycle bin.
- Ensure that the server is back online by logging in on web (e.g. )
- (Major upgrade only) Start > Environmental Variables / System variables (Edit and change TABLEAU_BIN to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\#.#\bin) Save & Close.
- (Major upgrade only) Restart Windows to force PATH variable to re-source %TABLEAU_BIN%. Confirm updated path using "where tabadmin" command
- Test & validate reports on server, including
- Test backups & restores from prod to upgraded dev/beta by enabling and running Task Scheduler scripts on VM. .tsbak files are written to \\kr\Tableau_backups\Database\TABLEAU01-DEV, for example. Disable backups on non-production VMs. Disable all schedules on tableau-beta server.
- Update the version in the Server Summary table at the top of this page.
Update SSL certificate on Tableau Server (admins)
Plan for update:
- Tableau Servers need to be restarted to apply the change. To update production Tableau Server's SSL certs, plan down time with GP lab managers and warn tableau-users
- Remote Desktop to VM (any admin user login)
- Make a copy of the .crt and .key files from BITS (C:\Local) in kr\Tableau_backups\Certificates\<create corresponding sub-dir>\ (BITS usually provides a .cer file which just needs to be renamed to .crt)
- Generate chain file using and copy to kr\Tableau_backups\Certificates\
- Move .cer, .key, and .chained.crt files to wherever TSM expects files to be ( C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\SSL )
For the update:
- Remote Desktop to VM (any admin user login)
- Open and login to the TSM portal (any admin user login or CHARLES\tableau_auth password in Teams)
- Click on Configuration tab
- Go to Security and choose External SSL
- Click Reset
- Click Select File and browse to the new SSL files for each of the three (do not enter a passphrase)
- Apply pending changes
- Restart Tableau Server to apply changes (may take 20 minutes)
- Test web access