Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Tableau Support


  1. On the target server you're going to upgrade, confirm that there are no current users: (e.g.
  2. Log in to VM of target server (e.g. tableau-dev).
  3. Command prompt: C:\> tabadmin stop
  4. In the start menu, Add or Remove Programs, right click on Tableau Server & "uninstall" (this takes a while)
  5. On target VM, navigate to the newly downloaded file, open it, accept all defaults during setup/installation.
  6. Paste in the User (e.g CHARLES\tableau_auth) & password (initialization takes quite a while)
  7. Once it's done (it'll try to launch IE), trash any *.tsbak from C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\ & any tabsvc.bak* from C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\ and empty the recycle bin.
  8. Ensure that the server is back online.
  9. (Major upgrade only) Start > Environmental Variables / System variables (Edit and change TABLEAU_BIN to C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\#.#\bin) Save & Close.
  10. (Major upgrade only) Restart Windows to force PATH variable to re-source %TABLEAU_BIN%. Confirm updated path using "where tabadmin" command
  11. Test & validate reports on server, including backups & restores from prod to upgraded dev/beta.
  12. Update the version in the Server Summary table at the top of this page.

Update SSL certificate on Tableau Server

Plan for update:

  1. Tableau Servers need to be restarted to apply the change. To update production Tableau Server's SSL certs, plan down time with GP lab managers and warn tableau-users
  2. Remote Desktop to VM
  3. Make a copy of the .crt and .key files in kr\Tableau_backups\Certificates\<create corresponding sub-dir>\  (BITS usually provides a .cer file which just needs to be renamed to .crt)
  4. Generate chain file using and copy to kr\Tableau_backups\Certificates\
  5. Move .cer, .key, and .chained.crt files to wherever TSM expects files to be ( C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\SSL )

For the update:

  1. Remote Desktop to VM
  2. Open and login to the TSM portal
  3. Click on Configuration tab
  4. Go to Security and choose External SSL
  5. Click Reset
  6. Click Select File and browse to the new SSL files for each of the three (do not enter a passphrase)
  7. Apply pending changes
  8. Restart Tableau Server to apply changes (may take 20 minutes)
  9. Test web access

Tableau Server version changes

key features
extract format
admin tool
2018.1 (tableau, tableau-dev, tableau-beta)

Hyper extracts

Viz in Tooltip

Hierarchy filtering

Step and jump lines


Tableau Services Manager (tsm) (Upgrade steps: external link)

Nested sorting

Dashboard extensions



Set actions

Dashboard navigation buttons


Tableau Prep Conductor

Ask Data (natural language processing)

no new legacy text or excel connections

2019.2no support for existing legacy text or excel connections

2019.3includes integrated audit tool (post-interworks)
