List of schemes associated to each project. Most Some have "default" versions , but most users want specialization from the default. These schemes must be considered when someone asks to "clone" a project.
- Permission Scheme
- Notification Scheme
- Issue Security Scheme
- Field Configuration Scheme
- Workflow Scheme*
- Issue Type Scheme*
- Issue Type Screen Scheme*
*When a new project is made from scratch without a shared configuration, new workflow, issue type, and issue type screens schemes will be created and associated to the project. Changes to these schemes will not affect other projects.
e.g. a new project called DEMO will create a new "DEMO Workflow Scheme".
However, new projects created without a shared configuration will still use the system default Permission, Notification, Issue Security, and Field Configuration schemes. Changes to these schemes WILL affect other projects. It is recommended to make a copy of the default and make changes as needed.
e.g. a new project "DEMO" will use the "Default Notification Scheme".
Reference diagram for project/objects/relationships