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Extend classes only when necessary

When classes/properties are extended from other vocabularies, use the naming conventions below rather than following the convention of the original source.

2. Define a URI Policy to create unique, persistent identifiers


  • General
    • Use meaningful, explicit and concise names
    • Keep names as simple and short as possible
    • Expand abbreviations unless unwieldy or totally obvious
    • Provide definitions for new classes and properties
    • Provide a label (for human readability)
    • Avoid
      • Opaque class and property names, e.g. Class123456.
    • Class Names
      • Use PascalCase
      • Prefer singular nouns
    • Property Names
      • Use camelCase and start with lower case
      • Prefer multiple words  words and use of at least one upper case letter
      • Always use a present tense verb
      • For example, hasType, isDefinedBy
    • Identifiers
      • Use upper- and lower-case alphanumeric characters, numbers (except for the 1st character)
      • Avoid
        • “.” (period), “-“ (hyphen) because they special characters in some implementation languages and may cause processing errors
        • “_” (underbar) because translation to snake_case may cause conflicts in names
        • using the same letters (but different case) to define 2 different entities, e.g., a property called “biosample” and a class named “BioSample

4. Provide Multi-lingual Support
